Sunday, October 25, 2015

Yes, it snows more when it's cold (updated December 28 2020)

It snows more when it is cold

It snows more when it's cold

"it snows more when it is cold"

"It snows more when it's cold"

In other news, it snows less when it's warm.

This post was to have at least one single page that states this clearly.   Before I posted it, there were no hits for the phrase, "It snows more when it's cold."

I'm not kidding.

While researching this, (which sounds ludicrous, but it's true), I was surprised to find, that according to the PRISM US data analysis, the snow anomalies actually match the annual temperature anomalies.  Not just the cold season temperatures.

For example

This post led to the creation of a blog, simply about this.  After a year it still does not show up in any search engine.  lol

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A most gloomy view of world weather trends has emerged

A most gloomy view of world weather trends has emerged from the Central Intelligence Agency. The report was made public, with CIA permission, by the House Agriculture Committee to force decision makers in government to come to grips with what some committee members feel is a serious problem. Says one, “we must no longer accept with blind faith the notion that food production will continue to increase and climates will remain stable.”

The CIA “working paper contends that the global climate is cooling after 50 years of the most favorable farming weather since the eleventh century.
The economic and political impact, the report asserts, “is almost beyond comprehension" This is made crystal clear when one considers that the stability of most nations is indeed based upon a dependable source of food. Without that stability, the politics of food becomes the central issue of every government. Here are the major points made in the study: There is evidence that the main climatic shift over the last 10 years has been confined to the backwaters of the world where death through starvation and disease were already a common occurrence.

However, Russia has already felt the impact through two crippling failures of its wheat crop in the last five years. And even the United States and Canada have fallen victim to reduced crop yields by slowly deteriorating weather and shorter growing seasons.
The data collected by the CIA also shows that the needed monsoon rains will fall more frequently throughout much of Asia, jeopardizing the critical wheat crop in India and the rice harvests throughout Southeast Asia. The report pointed out that a change of just one degree in the mean global temperature can cause a drastic reduction in productivity of farmland.

Thanks to realscience for image capture

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Can it be too cold to snow?

No.  That is a myth

Does it snow more because of global warming?

No.  It snows less when it is warmer

Isn't global warming causing more extreme snow?

No.  The most extreme snow has been in the last 50 years. .  The snow is always associated with cold temperatures, never warm temperatures.  The years a winter is warmer than normal, it snows less.

Except in high mountains regions, Greenland, Antarctica, where warmer oceans and global warming should cause an increase in snow amounts.