A comparison of sat data and surface stations, with sat data showing no warming trend. Sources listed below, containing enough information to figure it out.
Which I did on Sept 9 2023
http://science.msfc.nasa.gov/newhome/essd/essd_strat_temp.htm The accompanying commentary says: "This chart shows the monthly temperature changes for the lower troposphere - Earth's atmosphere from the surface to 8 km, or 5 miles up. The temperature in this region is more strongly influenced by oceanic activity, particularly the "El Niño" and "La Niña" phenomena, which originate as changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The overall trend in the lower tropospheric data is approximately steady, at about +0.047oC per decade. Click on the charts to get the numerical data. "Surface thermometer measurements indicate that the temperature of the Earth is warming, while the satellite data show no significant long-term trends. These differences are the basis for discussions over the existence and magnitude of any global warming the Earth may be experiencing as a result of human activity. This page, updated monthly, will continue to provide the latest temperature measurements of various layers of the Earth's atmosphere from space."
Global temperature measurements of the Earth's lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in the data actually appears to be downward. The largest fluctuations in the satellite temperature data are not from any man-made activity, but from natural phenomena such as large volcanic eruptions from Mt. Pinatubo, and from El Nino.
The figure above shows the monthly temperature deviations from a seasonally adjusted average for the lower stratosphere - Earth's atmosphere from 14 to 22 km (9 to 14 miles). Red is an increase in the temperature from the average, and blue is a decrease in temperature. The large increase in 1982 was caused by the volcanic eruption of El Chichon, and the increase in 1991 was caused by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines. September 1996 was the coldest month on record for stratospheric temperature.
This chart shows the monthly temperature changes for the lower troposphere - Earth's atmosphere from the surface to 8 km, or 5 miles up. The temperature in this region is more strongly influenced by oceanic activity, particularly the "El Nino" and "La Nina" phenomena, which originate as changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Like the upper plot, the overall trend in the data is downward, about 0.06 degrees C per decade.
Global temperature measurements of the Earth's lower atmosphere obtained from satellites reveal no definitive warming trend over the past two decades. The slight trend that is in the data actually appears to be downward. The largest fluctuations in the satellite temperature data are not from any man-made activity, but from natural phenomena such as large volcanic eruptions from Mt. Pinatubo, and from El Nino.
The figure above shows the monthly temperature deviations from a seasonally adjusted average for the lower stratosphere - Earth's atmosphere from 14 to 22 km (9 to 14 miles). Red is an increase in the temperature from the average, and blue is a decrease in temperature. The large increase in 1982 was caused by the volcanic eruption of El Chichon, and the increase in 1991 was caused by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines. September 1996 was the coldest month on record for stratospheric temperature.
This chart shows the monthly temperature changes for the lower troposphere - Earth's atmosphere from the surface to 8 km, or 5 miles up. The temperature in this region is more strongly influenced by oceanic activity, particularly the "El Nino" and "La Nina" phenomena, which originate as changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Like the upper plot, the overall trend in the data is downward, about 0.06 degrees C per decade.
This is interesting...
A 1997 NASA site showing relatively even fluctuations to 2000 http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/essd06oct97_1.htm
With a link to a more recent image showing a drop in stratospheric temperature to 2000 http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/essd/essd_strat_temp.htm but which quickly redirects to a non-existent site with 'more information'.
And the graphs look nothing like the warming trend shown on the EPA site http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/recenttc.html.
A 1997 NASA site showing relatively even fluctuations to 2000 http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/essd06oct97_1.htm
With a link to a more recent image showing a drop in stratospheric temperature to 2000 http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/essd/essd_strat_temp.htm but which quickly redirects to a non-existent site with 'more information'.
And the graphs look nothing like the warming trend shown on the EPA site http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/recenttc.html.
It's been my experience is these discussions in the past that people get the *impression* such and such a study or finding is much more definitive than it is, thanks to the utter incompetence and stupidity of the bourgeois press. Today, thanks to the Internet, we often have access to the study itself and even the underlying data, unfiltered by the extremely narrow mental bandwidth of bourgeois newspaper hacks and the actors who play reporters on the TV. Thus, for example, in the past couple of years there have been various accounts in the bourgeois press mistakenly claiming the satellite data now confirm global warming, which is a result of the reporters simply not understanding the explanations from the scientists involved about the limitations of the data set. What that data set shows is that the most significant thing to note about global warming is that, if it IS what is going on, it is occurring through a mechanism we do not understand. The global warming hypothesis is based on the greenhouse effect; more heat will be "trapped" in the lower atmosphere by the increased concentration of CO2. Yet the best data we have fails to reveal significant warming of the lower atmosphere, *precisely* where the heat would need to be trapped to impact the surface. But there isn't any need to take my word for it. The data is at: http://science.msfc.nasa.gov/newhome/essd/essd_strat_temp.htm The accompanying commentary says: "This chart shows the monthly temperature changes for the lower troposphere - Earth's atmosphere from the surface to 8 km, or 5 miles up. The temperature in this region is more strongly influenced by oceanic activity, particularly the "El Niño" and "La Niña" phenomena, which originate as changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The overall trend in the lower tropospheric data is approximately steady, at about +0.047oC per decade. Click on the charts to get the numerical data. "Surface thermometer measurements indicate that the temperature of the Earth is warming, while the satellite data show no significant long-term trends. These differences are the basis for discussions over the existence and magnitude of any global warming the Earth may be experiencing as a result of human activity. This page, updated monthly, will continue to provide the latest temperature measurements of various layers of the Earth's atmosphere from space." I should note that over the years, the "trend" in this data set has been both positive and negative. Right now it is slightly positive, due especially to the prolonged "El Niño" of the late 90s. Before then it had been just a touch negative. The current "La Niña," which is lasting longer than predicted, and which is associated with lower atmospheric temperatures, is pulling the average down as those temperatures get folded into the calculations. Hence the statement that the data "show no significant long-term trends." The main NASA page on global climate change has this to say: "Temperatures measured at the earth's surface have been increasing by about 0.1 oC per decade for twenty years. Computer models of global warming suggest that the lower atmosphere should be warming up as well, but temperature measurements from space show otherwise. There has been no systematic warming in the troposphere for the past 19 years, and the temperature of the stratosphere is actually decreasing. Does this mean that global warming is a myth? Probably not. Instead, say researchers, it shows that the temperature structure of the atmosphere is more complex than previously thought."
From here
This one is amazing.
Sir, - I have for some time been concerned at the way the media, and the BBC in particular, are reporting global warming as if it is a proven fact. Until recently I accepted their information without question, as I expect the majority of their listeners (and your readers) do. Not long ago, however, I decided to do a little research of my own. I discovered that the actual statistics covering global temperature are located on the Internet, at http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/essd/essd_strat_temp.htm Although there is some controversy about whether to use the record of surface temperature or the satellite and radio sonde balloon measurements, it is generally accepted that the second and third of these are considerably more accurate. Both of these: a) are in agreement with each other and b) show that there has been little or no warming over the last 20 years or so. The last 20 years are precisely the period during which the BBC and various other sections of the media have been telling us that there has been a considerable increase in world temperature. As I was concerned at the apparent inaccuracy of the BBC's information, and also at the way they appear to be basing their assumptions entirely on the surface record without even mentioning that other ways of measuring temperature exist - let alone that those ways actually might be more accurate - I e-mailed them asking for a comment. To date I have not even received the courtesy of an acknowledgement, which tends to lead me to infer that the BBC either do not wish to know the real truth, or that they have a political agenda of their own which entails concealing the correct statistics from their readers. ALAN WESSON Exeter.
From here
Haven't found an actual image yet, but it's out there.
It's amazing how much effort NASA puts into making things vanish.